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New Year Goals

By January 06, 2018

Happy New Year!

I don't prescribe to new year's resolutions, but this year I'm making a little exception. I feel like 2017 disappeared so quickly without making a lasting impression - I want this year to be different! I read recently that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down and who am I to argue with Dr. Gail Matthews and her scientific study? So here's my three quick goals:

1. Make time for me.
Sometimes my day job can be a time-sucking black hole that even joyous baby bunnies could not escape from. This year I'm going to prioritise a period of time every week to do something nice for myself, whether it be creating content, going for a walk or reading something that was published by a proper author and not written by a 16 year old for their English folio (what a novelty!).

2. Take more photos.
The title of this resolution could also be "get a better camera" or even "do something with your photos". I take some photos on my phone...and there they stay. On our recent trip to Iceland I borrowed my brother's GoPro and I love all the snippets of footage I captured - I feel like I can re-live our holidays again and again! I was lucky enough to get my own GoPro from Santa and I look forward to using it on our next adventure. I must remember to actually compile the footage together into something watchable, though...

3. Adopt some Marie Kondo into my life.
I think I'm a little bit in denial about this. I wouldn't consider myself a hoarder at any stretch of the imagination, but I am sentimental about things I definitely don't need to be. For example, when I moved out of my parent's house into my first home just over a year ago, I found a box that contained every single 18th birthday card I'd received. Somehow, I found the emotional strength to recycle them this time - I think the fact that I've had them for 10 years and never looked at them helped a lot. I don't plan on embracing a full-blown domestic purge as I think a little clutter creates a happy home, but my spare room is first on the hit list.

So there it is! No "new year, new me" BS, because I believe in enjoying life and not punishing myself with perfectionist guilt, just some simple goals to help maximise my happiness in 2018. Have you set yourself any new goals? Any tips to help me achieve my goals? Let me know!

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  1. I need to purge my emotional crutch junk too. Let's do it together gal! Xxx
